
Thursday, November 10, 2011


Dear Jeff

I don't think I could come up with a favorite memory (like I told everyone else to do haha) if I tried.   After almost 37 years together, there is simply WAY too many to choose from.  We have gone from kids really, to "senior citizens" haha, and everything in between.   Though many of our moments together might seem very ordinary, together they've made a whole lifetime of memories that I wouldn't trade for anything in the world.  So then I began to think about what words I might use to describe you, and our life together best, and the first one that popped into my head was strong.  Not only unbelievably strong physically of course, but strong in every way I needed you to be.  Strong spiritually, strong emotionally, and strong in all the ways it is important for a man to be strong.  Someone I could count on no matter what life might be happening to throw our way.  The next word might be helpful.  I know it seems like a weird word, but it just soo describes who you are.  Always, and I mean ALWAYS ready and willing to help me with whatever it is I was needing.  I will freely admit I have always been a little high maintenance, lol, especially in these last few years where I honestly don't know what I would have done without you.  From doing our grocery shopping, to keeping my car full of gas, to making sure I have all of my "supplies", to cooking for me, and right down to letting me control the TV remote, haha, the list seriously could just go on and on.  But it goes beyond what you just DO for me to be helpful, it would have to include how you are always willing to talk me through something, cheer me up when I need it, and encourage me with whatever it is I am trying to accomplish. You just have a servants heart, and I have basked in the benefits of that pretty much our entire life together.  The next word I would chose would have to smart!  Now I know it isn't something I have probably let you know too much, smile, but it is just so true.  I guess I don't have to explain to you (of all people) how "challenged" I can be in some areas, and it always made me feel good to know, that you just  KNEW IT...The next word is provider.  This is an area I know that I have never really given you any where near enough credit for what you truly deserve.  The fact that you have always worked hard, is just that... a fact.  Your hard work provided us with a standard of living I really appreciate, and enabled me to never really have to work outside of our home.  I love that you always just considered it your responsibility and never seem annoyed or irritated when you came home from work (this has been just in the last few years of course, haha) and found me lying on the couch watching TV and still in my PJ's.  Now for any of those who might be reading this, it doesn't happen very often, but it HAS happened, and he greets me with a laugh saying, "Looks good to me."  I guess I could go on and on but I imagine it is time to nip this, so let me just say this, My life with you has just been blessed.  That truly is the best word to describe it.  I love you soo much more now than I ever imagined I could, and I thank God everyday for you!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!  And may the Lord bless you and keep you and make His face to shine upon you, now and always....


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