Psalm 127:4-5 Like arrows in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one's youth. Happy is the man who has his quiver full of them....
Reading all the posts that have been written has really been a trip down memory lane for me! How I appreciate everyone taking the time to write about their memories and share their good wishes. I decided that I didn’t mention one of the things that really SHOULD be mentioned in such a book, and that is how grateful I am that God chose you to be the father of my children. What an important role in someone’s life it really is. To have shared the raising of our kids with you was honestly one of life’s best blessings for me. It was the FIRST thing I really prayed about after giving my life to the Lord that day. That I would not only find a man who loved Christ first, but would love me and be the kind of father I soo desired for my children. And you just were. You were ALWAYS there for them, and were the example they needed to see. You loved them all unconditionally, played with them, disciplined them, and help to mold them into the adults they are today. Watching you now in the role of “Grandpa” is another gift from the Lord, and I love how they all love you. But then what’s not to love? Haha They are all pampered by you and are now learning how fortunate they are to have you from their Grandpa!
Beautiful family, beautiful thoughts,